Things Men Like In Women More Than Good Looks
This one is for the gentlemen, guys who truly care for the women they’re with and their looks don’t really mean much to them. It’s a common misconception about men that they care more about the looks, but let’s be honest, who doesn’t care about the looks at first? We all do. But what matters is that we don’t stay too attached to the looks and give other things more importance, things that should matter more and do matter more. Here are ten things men like in women more than good looks, let’s begin.

Men love it when their ladies back them up and support them in all of their endeavors. I firmly believe in the saying that behind every successful man, there’s a woman. When your man truly loves you, menial and superficial things go out the window and what they expect from you is what’s going to matter in the long run.
I cherish every second I spend with my girlfriend because it’s not easy for her to take time out from her studies etc. But she still takes out ample amount of time for me so that I never feel like I’m being ignored, she’s even met me during her exams even though she still had a lot to study, so I cherish every moment she’s with me. Men love it when their women devote their time to them, because time is one of the most priceless gifts you can give to someone.
Ladies, men don’t just care about how pretty you are, yes they will compliment you every single day because they love you and they don’t care about your looks. What’s more important is trust. My girlfriend had a rough past so it wasn’t easy for me to gain her trust, but I tried my hardest and I finally have it, I’ve finally gained her complete faith and trust in me, this felt like an accomplishment and it still does.