A message to my mom in heaven

Mom, I know you can see me and I know you are always watching over me and that your guiding hand will forever be on my shoulder.

Not a day goes by that I don’t miss you and it’s hard being here all by myself.

I miss all the moments we spent together and these days life feels empty without you.

You left me when I couldn’t stand alone when I was scared of what the world thought about me and whether I will ever be accepted into the society I was born into.

I miss our special moments together; our all-girls trip each summer break and the moments we could drag you out to build a snowman with us, without knowing how much it affected your health.

You defied all odds in other to see us happy and to always create memories with us.

Mom, I am not going to lie, life feels worthless without you and sometimes I wish I could just hear your voice for once or even a little advice in situations I get clueless.

The most hurtful one is watching you take your last breath; you were a fighter and I knew how much you wanted to stay with us.

We always talked about how you were going to make a video of me during my labor time, but you never stayed to see it; you couldn’t even carry your first grandchild.

I miss you so much and I know you are in a better place and someday we will meet to part no more.