You are perfect the way you are

If you carry one thing with you today let it be this; you are brave‚ you are beautiful‚ you are strong you are smart you are loved. 

Life can get tough‚ worse than we can ever imagine and in those moments we feel like we are losing it and can’t keep up; never forget that you are strong and will always conquer all things. 

There were points in my life I felt like giving up‚ it seemed like all odds were against me and I didn’t know how to bypass them.

I can remember staying up throughout the night asking God how I offended him and maybe he should take my life if it wasn’t going to get any better.

Most times I cried myself to sleep because what I was going through was too much to bear; I have always been called the black sheep of the family so it was hard for anyone to understand me or give me a chance to explain myself.

No one was there for me and I decided to give my life an essence once again; I decided to exist not just live.

I decided to be happy and not just smile even in pain; I decided to be brave even when my bones are telling me that I can’t stand.

I knew I was beautiful and stopped covering my face with the adornments I felt made me better; I realized I was perfect just the way I am. I embraced myself and I knew I could live again‚ my life will have an essence.